The truth about education policy is
that it is written and enforced by people who have either spent little or no
time in the classroom with the students that these very policies affect. Why
not allow the individuals in direct contact with students to mold and shape the
environment of the students? Education is the only industry that is developing
a product without any valid market research from its users! Students aren’t
asked what they want or need. Teachers aren’t asked what would work for their
students. Teachers are not the enemy: it’s the private companies like Pearson and
interest groups like ALEC, that write policies and laws that are passed over
steak dinners with words like “accountability” and “rigor” to perpetuate their
bottom lines on the heads of our students. Follow the money: of all the tax
dollars that go into education, how much goes directly to students? How much
goes directly to a teacher’s relationship with students (which by the way are
another leading indicator of student success)? Compare that to how much goes to
private companies for materials and resources, as well as bureaucracy? Just
follow the money.
We must change the public narrative
on education. We must fight our Toxic Culture! We must end high stakes testing
for the sake of “accountability”. Let’s have education policy that builds up
our students with sensible human standards instead of fitting them into robotic
boxes for “college readiness”. Let’s focus on getting students out there in the
evolving global economy. Let’s focus on teaching them the important things: how
to read, how to think, how to research, how to reason, how to master basic
skills, and how to be good citizens. Let’s talk about the Non-Cognitive factors
that are the true measures of student achievement: persistence, integrity,
Let’s teach them how to learn and
how to innovate, NOT how to take tests. We must change the focus of our Toxic
Culture away from curriculum, teachers, and schools, and WE MUST focus on our
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