Thursday, May 29, 2014

Dead Man Walking . . . .

Just to be clear, that headline is NOT a threat . . . just a point of reference that insinuates the demise of testing culture.

It seems Commissioner John King is becoming increasingly desperate. As his world closes in around him, he finds it necessary to marginalize the opposition to his Common Core policies and testing fervor. 

Education Commissioner John King hopes Common Core controversy behind him

King asked supporters at a breakfast forum to push back against critics who label the educational standards ‘a national conspiracy’ of either the left or the right.

“When your elected officials acquiesce to people saying higher standards are a national conspiracy of the left or a national conspiracy of the right we need you to push back,” he said. 

To which I would say, when your constituents insist that you be critical of a public policy and program, conduct your due diligence, research the policy, its background, its implementation, its costs and benefits to society and then rule as you see fit. Don't acquiesce because a commissioner of any entity says, "trust me". 

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